Crayon Software Expert Updates – Free Server Optimisation Assessment

Companies today use Cloud services. Some only rely on the Cloud while others use a hybrid on Cloud and on-premises services. In any instance, customers want to get the most from their server environment and lay the groundwork to digitally transform their business in the future.

It’s also important to consider these questions.

  1. How do you currently assess the benefits of which server’s workloads to leave on-premises and which ones to move to the Cloud? 
  2. Do you have any plans to virtualize workloads?  If so, what is driving this need?
  3. What is your biggest challenge when it comes to managing your server environment?
  4. How does your company manage its server/Cloud investments? By department? As a whole?

Crayon Software Experts offer a portfolio of  Cloud & Software Economics Assessments targeted to a customer’s unique business needs and Cloud readiness. These assessments analyze a company’s IT estate and then produce a detailed view of the hardware, software, application, and server workloads. Leveraging these deep business and infrastructure insights, these assessments give customers a roadmap to address gaps, identify opportunities for consolidation, and migrate to the Cloud.

Crayon provides an optimization analysis as well as provide recommendations on additional uses of the data captured to show customers how to get more value from the assessment engagement.

  • Customer benefit
  • Optimizes customer’s current server workloads and applications
  • Offers insight on the business, licensing and technology benefits to moving additional workloads to virtualization or the Cloud
  • Facilitates customer’s server strategy and implementation
  • Reduces costs through improved operational efficiencies
  • Helps customers manage your reporting requirements

If you are one of the customers who is affected by the End of Support for SQL & Windows Server 2008 & 2008 R2, this assessment could help you evaluate your overall server estate in relation to your server strategy, helping you optimize your current server environment and identify potential risks and outline the most efficient use of your investments

Server Licensing is Complex and needs specialists. Server infrastructure is identified studying various software estates.

·         SQL Server

o   Version and edition

o   License type for each SQL Server instance for customers with mixed licensing metric (server/CAL, per processor or per core)

o   Confirmation of passive SQL Servers assigned Failover Rights

·         Windows Server

o   Server name

o   Physical or virtual operating system environment

o   Operating system version and edition

o   Processor and core information

·         System Center Server output including:

o   Server name

o   Physical or virtual data 

o  Component (e.g. System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) version  and edition, System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM))

o   Processor and core information.

Crayon provides the Server Optimization Assessment Report according to the scope of the engagement agreed upon. A Full set of recommendations for optimizing Server workload will include virtualization usage, licensing models and technology implementation along with the business, licensing and technology requirements needed to fulfill the recommended solutions.

For Example.

  • Optimal access to mission critical systems and data through redundancy and Disaster Recovery solutions, which require additional network and storage capacity
  • Proper management of purchasing and deployment practices for Server environment, identifying who has authority to purchase and deploy, how they’re deploying and how they’re tracking deployments in order to gain better control (ie., unapproved purchasing by local IT administrators)
  • Assessment of the customer’s Software asset management policies and procedures strengths, weaknesses and areas of opportunity, as well as recommendations for improvement.
  • Determining percentage of server utilization for CPU, memory, and storage capacity in order to recommend strategies for ideal utilization
  • Determining existing virtualization deployment practices, limiting non-approved virtualized deployments
  •  Return on investment (ROI) discussion and analysis, including a review of the impact of hardware expenses, software installations, energy consumption, IT resourcing, disaster recovery, etc.
  • Cost of Cloud migration analysis, including integration with other IT systems, additional storage requirements, data extraction costs, etc.

Crayon offers strategic advice around purchase, management and the controlled evolution of IT solutions. Combined with support for project implementation, and ongoing operations by assisting many of the world’s leading organisations in optimizing the return on their IT investments. 

Crayon’s technical and analytics consulting boasts of over 350 subject matter experts with certificated and documented skills across all the major software publishers and infrastructure provider technologies.

Many of Crayon’s consultants are certified and create a valuable blend of technology and solution expertise that provides an additional depth to benefit the customers. 

Incase you are looking at any server optimization or need any support on EOS of SQL & Windows Server 2008 & 2008 R2; email us on

About Crayon

Crayon, global leader in IT and digital transformation services and the largest independent ‘cloud economics’ practice, strongly believe in “Pay-per-usage” model — organizations must pay for the IT resources they actually need. Crayon is the most reliable and a trusted technical advisor for many of the world’s leading organizations. Through unique people, tools and systems, the company ensures the best ROI from complex technology investments.

Crayon — specialists in Software Volume Licensing, Cloud Analytics and Associated Consulting Services, is headquartered in Oslo, Norway with offices around the world. For more information, visit:

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