SAM iQ – Software Infinity Program

Why is Software & Cloud analytics getting more critical today?

Software & Cloud analytics is becoming more critical today because of some of the trends in technology and the fact that hardware is now becoming a much cheaper commodity, whereas software is used a lot more extensively in organizations.

Traditionally, one server carried one workload. However, with increasing server computing capacity and virtualization, multiple workloads per physical server are common in cloud architectures. Cloud economics including server cost, resiliency, scalability, and product lifespan, along with enhancements in cloud security, are promoting migration of workloads across servers, both inside the data center and across data centers and even in data centers of different geographic areas.

The software installed on that hardware is now really a majority of any IT spending in an organization. Companies who differentiate themselves and do a better job with managing software assets normally have a better handle on understanding the product usage rights and the entitlements of how software is allowed to be used.

Companies today have a lot of choices on how they license. The ones that differentiate themselves do a lot of analysis on how to license their software and what the most cost appropriate models might be. Software & Cloud technology specialists help them make those decisions that realize quite a lot of cost savings in the long run.

Some organizations who are more mature with Software & Cloud analytics are integrating different systems with software asset management solution in order to get the very most from efficiencies and best practices. For example, when hardware goes out of circulation or is retired then asset management team allows companies to understand when licenses can be recycled, even on the cloud infrastructure. Another integration point might be at the very beginning of the software & cloud analytics lifecycle to deploy software in an organization, so that software is better recognized when inventories are done.

Better tools, policies, processes leave users with a great experience when they request software through company portals and have it automatically deployed on their personal computers, rather than waiting for a helpdesk person to dial in and remotely install it.

Crayon’s world class Software Infinity Program is a best practice framework that enables an interactive and consultative approach to implement and maintain an optimised IT estate. The program provides access to a unique range of Crayon services, tools and training content, to support and provide a standardized approach to developing and maintaining an organisations software management standards and practices.

Software Infinity maps out your software compliance project into distinct phases and provides the most structured approach to achieving effective and comprehensive software lifecycle management and cloud optimisation.

Software Infinity program takes organisations on a journey to software compliance, and provides step-by-step approach, online tools, dashboards and expert guidance, all specifically designed to appropriately heighten the understanding around IT legislation within the enterprise and address the risks associated with the illegal use of software.

Also available is our comprehensive library containing step by step guidelines, policies, procedures and templates.

  • Dynamic Dashboards display and track the current Software & Cloud analytics status of your organisation
  • Available resources include templates, guidance documents, flow diagrams and videos

Ask the Crayon team for a no obligation consultation to help you optimise your software spends, and you’ll soon be able to relax knowing your practice safe is in the hands of the global software experts.

To Know more Download Brochure or Write us @ today.

About Crayon

Crayon, global leader in IT and digital transformation services and the largest independent ‘cloud economics’ practice, strongly believe in “Pay-per-usage” model — organizations must pay for the IT resources they actually need. Crayon is the most reliable and a trusted technical advisor for many of the world’s leading organizations. Through unique people, tools and systems, the company ensures the best ROI from complex technology investments.

Crayon — specialists in Software Volume Licensing, Cloud Analytics and Associated Consulting Services, is headquartered in Oslo, Norway with offices around the world. For more information, visit:

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